A thin, full-stack, web framework

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A thin, full-stack, web framework.

Ease of use

Write the same markup, styling and scripting languages for both server and client side.
The ones that you already know and use everywhere else: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Standards oriented

Built with a platform-minded philosophy. Every time a standard can be leveraged for a task, it should be.
It also means fewer vendor-specific idioms to churn on and a more portable codebase overall.
Stop re-implementing the wheel, and embrace future-proof APIs, you’ll thank yourself later!

Developer Experience

The DX bar has been constantly raised, alongside developers’ expectations about their everyday tooling.
The “Vanilla” community is full of gems, in a scattered way.
Gracile provides an integrated, out-of-the-box experience while keeping non-core opinions as opt-ins.

Convention over configuration

Finding the right balance between convenience and freedom is tricky.
Hopefully, more and more patterns will be established in the full-stack JS space.

Gracile is inspired by those widespread practices that will make you feel at home.


Speed is not the main goal for Gracile, that’s because it is just the sane default you’ll start with.
Avoiding complex template transformations, or surgically shipping client-side JS are just a few facets of what makes Gracile a “do more with less” power tool.

Annotated example


You can hover/tap source code tokens, like in your local editor, to get more insights.

📄 /src/document.ts

import { html } from '@gracile/gracile/server-html';
import { helpers } from '@gracile/gracile/document';

export const document = (options: { url: URL; title?: string }) => html`
  <!doctype html>
    class=${`page${options.url.pathname.replace('/', '-') || 'home'}`}

       Global assets 
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/styles/global.scss" />
      <script type="module" src="/src/document.client.ts"></script>

       Route specific sibling assets 

      <title>${options.title ?? 'My Website'}</title>

      <!-- ... -->

       Current route's page injection 

📄 /src/routes/index.ts

import { html } from 'lit';
import { defineRoute } from '@gracile/gracile/route';

import { db, sql, Achievement } from '../lib/db.js';

import { document } from '../document.js';

import * as homeReadme from '../content/README.md' with { type: 'markdown-lit' };

import type { MyElement } from '../features/my-element.ts';
import '../features/my-element.js';

export default defineRoute({
  handler: {
    POST: async (context) => {
      const formData = await context.request.formData();
      const name = formData.get('achievement')?.toString();

      if (name) {
        await db.query(sql`INSERT INTO achievements (name); VALUES (${name})`);

        return Response.redirect(context.url, 303);

      const message = 'Wrong input!' as const;
      context.response.status = 400;
      context.response.statusText = message;
      return { success: false, message };

  document: (context) =>
    document({ url: context.url, title: homeReadme.title }),

  template: async (context) => {
    const initialData = { foo: 'bar' } satisfies MyElement['initialData'];

    const achievements = await db.query<Achievement>(
      sql`SELECT * FROM achievements`,

    return html`
       You can use inline (deferred) modules or in-path scripts… 
      <script type="module">
        await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(() => r(console.log('Hi!')), 1500));



        <form method="post">
          <input type="text" name="achievement" />
          <button>Add achievement</button>


        <my-element initialData=${JSON.stringify(initialData)}></my-element>

            (achievement) =>
              html`<section class=${`achievement-${achievement.name}`}>

        <small>You are visiting ${context.url.href}</small>

📄 /src/routes/index.client.ts

 Importing your components in this page's client bundle entrypoint will make the server markup alive.

requestIdleCallback(() => import('../features/my-element.js'));
// ...

 Don't import on server-side, if you want a client-only element.
import '../features/my-client-only-element.js';

console.log('Welcome', navigator.userAgent);
// ...

📄 /src/features/my-element.ts

import { LitElement, css, html } from 'lit';
import { customElement, property } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { styleMap } from 'lit/directives/style-map.js';

export class MyElement extends LitElement {
  static readonly GREETING = 'Hello';

  @property({ type: Object }) initialData: { foo?: string } = {};

  @property({ type: Number }) bgTint = 0.5;

  render() {
    return html`
        @click=${() => (this.bgTint = Math.random())}
        style=${styleMap({ '--bg-tint': this.bgTint })}
        ${this.initialData.foo} - ${MyElement.GREETING}

  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: block;
        margin: 1rem;

      div {
        background: hsl(calc(var(--bg-tint, 0) * 360), 50%, 50%);