Command-line interface

This are all the commands you need to interact with the Gracile engine locally.


Gracile just re-use the Vite typical commands as such:

node --run dev

node --run build
vite build

node --run preview
vite preview

You can alias these in package.json scripts, see the manual installation guide.

See also the “Create” command (npm create gracile) for bootstrapping a project in under a minute.


See the Vite CLI options.

create-gracile options

  -d, --location <string>        Project directory location.

  -t, --template <string>        Choose a starter template. Available:
                                 minimal-static, minimal-server-express,
                                 minimal-server-hono, basics-blog-static,

  -n, --next                     Use the `next` version of the selected template.

  -i, --install-dependencies     Automatically install dependencies with your detected
                                 package manager.

  -g, --initialize-git           Initialize a git repository after setting up your project.

  -s, --use-previous-settings    Whether or not we should load previous settings.

  -r, --clear-previous-settings  Clear previously saved settings.

  -h, --help                     display help for command

npm create gracile@next can be used to try the pre-release version of the create-gracile, CLI, too.